Simulado Prova CNH Premium

by Rall Softwares


1.64 usd

The Simulado Prova CNH application is the best option for studying for the theoretical license or renewal test in any state in Brazil, including SP, RJ, DF and MG. With the application, you can do complete simulations or solve separate questions, with time counting and final report, in addition to learning to identify road signs.The application also offers the option of selecting the simulation by test or subject and seeing the scores and results of the questions after completing the simulation. Furthermore, it is possible to revisit the simulations already carried out and study offline, without needing the internet.The CNH Simulation Test includes hundreds of randomly generated questions and allows you to create your own simulation, changing the number of questions, options and time. Keep in mind that the minimum score and time vary by state, but the application gives you a good idea of ​​the subjects and questions that may be on the test.The Simulado Prova CNH application is highly praised, with more than 99% of satisfied users. However, it is important to remember that the applications simulations do not replace the official test. It is just a tool to help the student prepare for the test.